Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another New Follower - and it's a HE

Welcome to my second new follower in the last two days - Mick. Yes. Now I've got two male followers of TYSS: Stan from Elegant Thrifter and Mick of the trés cool blog Everyone Goes to Mick's. Check it out. I've linked it to the right.
I'm going to go eat some poached eggs with junior now. I hope to do some photography and thrifting today. Come back later,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for welcoming the FAB Mick! I just visited his blog and I couldn't wait to subscribe to his blog!

    I Love Casablanca!


About Me

My photo
I'm a slightly off-beat Toronto-area teacher who enjoys writing and photography. I come from a family of collectors and now I'm dragging my own family around to yard sales. It's just a bit of fun. Enjoy the scenes.